Research Publications and Presentations by the emPoWeR Unit
Listed in Alphabetical Order of Study Title
Fertility after Cancer Predictor (FoRECAsT) Study
- Edib Z, Jayasinghe Y, Hickey M, Ratnayake Gamage N, Gorelik A, Saunders C, Chang S, Stern K, the FoRECAsT collaboration, Peate M. Developing and evaluating an online infertility prediction tool (FoRECAsT) to support decision-making in young women with breast cancer. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Week, Parkville Australia (20-23 Nov 2017)
- Edib Z, Jayasinghe Y, Hickey M, Ratnayake Gamage N, Gorelik A, Saunders C, Chang S, Stern K, the FoRECAsT collaboration and Peate M. Building an online infertility prediction tool (FoRECAsT) to support young women with breast cancer in decision-making around fertility preservation. First Annual Department of O&G Research Student Symposium, University of Melbourne, Australia (30 October 2017).
- Peate M, Hucker A, Ratnayake Gamage N, Saunders C, Chang S, Stern K, Gorelik A, Hickey M. The FoRECAsT Project: Building an eHealth tool to aid oncologists in educating young women about anticipating fertility decline after breast cancer treatment. Victorian Integrated Cancer Services Conference, Melbourne, Australia (11 May - 12 May 2017) Winner of the “Best Oral Presentation” Award.
- (Invited speaker) Peate M on behalf of the aLLIAnCE Study, FoRECAsT study, and Australian Fertility Decision Aid study collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Having babies after cancer? Fertility preservation decision tools for cancer patients. The VCCC Survivorship Conference and The Victorian Psycho-Oncology Research Conference. 13th - 14th October 2016. Melbourne, Australia.
- Peate M, Ratnayake Gamage N, Hucker A, Saunders C, Chang S, Stern K, Gorelik A, Hickey M on behalf of the FoRECAsT Collaborative Group. Building a ‘fertility calculator’ to support fertility preservation decision-making in young women with breast cancer. Australian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ASPOG) 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting. July 28-30 2016, Hobart, Australia.
- Peate M, Hickey M, the Australian Fertility Decision Aid collaborative group, the aLLIAnCE collaborative group, the Fertility Predictor collaborative group. Making hard choices easier: fertility preservation decision tools for young women with breast cancer. MDHS ECR Network Symposium, November 2015, Melbourne.
- Peate M, Hucker A, Gamage N, Hickey M on behalf of the aLLIAnCE, FoRECAsT, and Eggsurance Collaborative Groups. Empowering women to take charge of their fertility: the development and evaluation of decision support tools to increase the chances of future motherhood. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Day, November 2015, Melbourne.
Improving Genitourinary and Sexual Health for Women with Breast Cancer: A Nurse Initiated Plan of Care
- Souza M, Peate M, Hickey M, Lewis C, Jarvis S, Willis A, Friedlander M. Exploring knowledge, attitudes and experience of genitourinary symptoms in women with early breast cancer on adjuvant endocrine therapy. European Journal of Cancer Care 2018 DOI: 10.1111/ecc.12820. (Online 16/01/18).
- de Souza e Sousa M, Peate M, Jarvis S, Hickey M*, Friedlander M*. A clinical guide to the management of genitourinary symptoms in breast cancer survivors on endocrine therapy. Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology Journal 2017; 9(4):269-285. *Joint senior authors [SNIP:0.933; SJR:1.157] doi: 10.1177/1758834016687260.
- Hickey M, Sousa MS, Peate M, Jarvis S, Friedlander M, For the PEGASUS Study Collaborative Group. Short-term findings of the PEGASUS Study: genitourinary symptoms, sexuality and quality of life in breast cancer survivors on endocrine therapy – what are we missing?. Joint Meeting of COSA 43th and the 38th ANZBCTG Annual Scientific Meetings, 15-17th Nov 2016, Gold Coast, Australia. Winner of the “best of the best” oral ($1000 prize). Published: Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology (2016) 12 (S5):71. doi: 10.1111/ajco.12630
- Sousa MS, Meiser B, Hickey M, Jarvis S, Segelov E, Lombard J, Chirgwin J, Lewis C, Friedlander M, for the PEGASUS study collaborative group. PEGASUS – Prevalence and severity of genitourinary symptoms and impact on sexual function and QoL in postmenopausal women receiving endocrine therapy for early breast cancer. Journal of the Senologic International Society (2014) Special Issue 2(2):30. 18th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare 16-19 October 2014, Orlando, FL, US
Low Literacy Decision Aid about Reproductive Choices for Younger Women with Breast Cancer
(aLLIAnCE/ Fertility Choices)
(aLLIAnCE/ Fertility Choices)
- Peate M, Stafford L, Hickey M. Fertility after breast cancer and strategies to help women achieve pregnancy. Cancer Forum 2017; 41(1): 32-39.
- Peate M, Smith S, Pye V, Hucker A, Stern K, Stafford L, Oakman C, Chin-Lenn L, Gamage N, Hickey M. Assessing the usefulness and acceptability of a low health literacy online decision aid about reproductive choices for younger women with breast cancer: The aLLIAnCE pilot study protocol. BMC Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2017; 3:31. DOI: 10.1186/s40814-017-0144-9.
- Peate M, Jayasinghe Y, Allingham C, Hucker A, Kemertzis M, Meiser B, Friedlander M, Hickey M, on behalf of the aLLIAnCE and Australian Fertility Decision Aid Study Collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Supporting treatment decision-making in women’s health: the role of fertility decision aids. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Week. Plenary. Early Career Prize Runner-up ($500).
- Peate M, Jayasinghe Y, Allingham C, Hucker A, Kemertzis M, Meiser B, Friedlander M, Hickey M, on behalf of the aLLIAnCE and Australian Fertility Decision Aid Study Collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. The role of decision aids in cancer to support fertility decision‐making. Medical, 2017 Dentistry and Health Sciences (MDHS) Early Career Researcher (ECR) Symposium Parkville, Australia (19th Oct 2017). Second place prize for best oral presentation ($500).
- Peate M. Decision Aids in Fertility Preservation. Sydney Oncofertility Symposium, Sydney, Australia (31 Aug 2017). Invited Speaker (fully funded).
- Peate M, Jayasinghe Y, Allingham C, Hucker A, Kemertzis M, Meiser B, Friedlander M, Hickey M, on behalf of the aLLIAnCE and Australian Fertility Decision Aid Study Collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Supporting fertility decision-making: the role of decision aids in oncofertility. World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Berlin, Germany (14 Aug – 18 Aug). IPOS/ ESGO joint session Published: Psycho-Oncology (2017), 26(S3): 166 (ESGO-03). Invited presentation.
- Peate M. Challenges in developing low literacy e-health interventions: Research in practice. Australian Society of Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference (ASPOG), Brisbane, Australia (4 Aug 2017). Invited presentation.
- Peate M, Hucker A, Ratnayake Gamage N, Smith S, Stafford L, Oakman C, Chin-Lenn L, Hickey M. Development and pilot testing of a low health-literacy online fertility preservation decision tool for younger women with breast cancer. Victorian Integrated Cancer Services Conference, Melbourne, Australia (11 May - 12 May 2017)
- (Invited speaker) Peate M on behalf of the aLLIAnCE Study, FoRECAsT study, and Australian Fertility Decision Aid study collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Having babies after cancer? Fertility preservation decision tools for cancer patients. The VCCC Survivorship Conference and The Victorian Psycho-Oncology Research Conference. 13th - 14th October 2016. Melbourne, Australia.
- Kemertzis M, Li N, Peate M, Gillam L, Moore P, Khuong Quang DA, Clark H, Super L, Ho C, Zacharin M, Agresta F, Stern K, Jayasinghe Y and The Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Decisional regret in families of paediatric and adolescent patients offered fertility preservation. 23rd World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Infertility (COGI). March 21-23 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
- Peate M, Hickey M, the Australian Fertility Decision Aid collaborative group, the aLLIAnCE collaborative group, the Fertility Predictor collaborative group. Making hard choices easier: fertility preservation decision tools for young women with breast cancer. MDHS ECR Network Symposium, November 2015, Melbourne.
- Peate M, Hucker A, Gamage N, Hickey M on behalf of the aLLIAnCE, FoRECAsT, and Eggsurance Collaborative Groups. Empowering women to take charge of their fertility: the development and evaluation of decision support tools to increase the chances of future motherhood. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Day, November 2015, Melbourne.
- (Invited speaker) Peate M. Fertility preservation decisions for women diagnosed with cancer: How decision aids can help. Fertility Society of Australia, Canberra, Australia (14-16 September 2015). All expenses covered.
- (Invited Speaker) Peate M. “Should I preserve my fertility?” Supporting difficult reproductive choices around the time of diagnosis in younger women with breast cancer. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School (5th Aug 2015)
- (Invited Speaker) Peate M. Developing interventions to support fertility-related decision-making. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Seminar Series, University of Melbourne.(27 April 2015).
- (Invited Speaker) Peate M. Making Hard Choices Easier: Targeted and timely fertility information for young women with early breast cancer. Australia and New Zealand Infertility Counsellors’ Association (ANZICA) Workshop, Melbourne (30-31st October 2014)
- (Invited speaker) Peate M. Effects of decision aids on concerns, decisional regret and decisional conflict in cancer patients. European Society of Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Campus symposium entitled "Fertility preservation: from technique to implementation in clinical practice", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 14 to 15 March 2014. All expenses covered
Paediatric Fertility Decision Aid
- Hand M, Kemertzis MA, Peate M, Gillam L, McCarthy M, Orme L, Heloury Y, Sullivan M, Zacharin M, Jayasinge Y. A Clinical Decision Support System to assist paediatric oncofertility: A short report. JAYAO (Accepted 7/2/18)
- Kemertzis MA, Ranjithakumaran H, Hand M, Peate M, Gillam L, McCarthy M, Super L, McQuillan S, Jayasinghe Y*, Orme L*. *Shared Senior Author. Fertility Preservation Toolkit: A clinician resource to assist clinical discussion and decision making in pediatric and adolescent oncology. Journal of Paediatric Haematology/Oncology 2018; 40(3):e133-e139. DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000001103 (Online 2/2018).
- Li N, Jayasinghe YJ, Kemertzis M, Moore P, Peate M. Fertility preservation in paediatric and adolescent oncology patients: the decision-making process of parents. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology 2017; 6(2):213-222. doi:10.1089/jayao.2016.0061. [IF2016: 1.431]
- Peate M. Supporting fertility decision-making in families: The development of a decision aid for parents of children and adolescents with cancer. Invited presentation at the Royal Children’s’ Hospital. 9/11/172.
- Peate M, Jayasinghe Y, Allingham C, Hucker A, Kemertzis M, Meiser B, Friedlander M, Hickey M, on behalf of the aLLIAnCE and Australian Fertility Decision Aid Study Collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Supporting treatment decision-making in women’s health: the role of fertility decision aids. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Week. Plenary. Early Career Prize Runner-up ($500).
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M, Orme L, Zacharin M, Peate M, Ho C, Gook D, Stern K, Bourne H, Clarke G, Heloury Y, Sullivan M, Jayasuriya S, Clark H, Agresta F, Downie P, Super L and Gillam L for the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Paediatric and adolescent oncofertility: procedure uptake and family acceptance of fertility decisions. International Society for Fertility Preservation Conference, Vienna (November 2017)
- Peate M, Jayasinghe Y, Allingham C, Hucker A, Kemertzis M, Meiser B, Friedlander M, Hickey M, on behalf of the aLLIAnCE and Australian Fertility Decision Aid Study Collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. The role of decision aids in cancer to support fertility decision‐making. Medical, 2017 Dentistry and Health Sciences (MDHS) Early Career Researcher (ECR) Symposium Parkville, Australia (19th Oct 2017). Second place prize for best oral presentation ($500).
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M, Orme L, Zacharin M, Peate M, Ho C, Gook D, Stern K, Bourne H, Clarke G, Heloury Y, Sullivan M, Jayasuriya S, Clark H, Agresta F, Downie P, Super L and Gillam L for the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Establishing a paediatric and adolescent oncofertility program: uptake of procedures and acceptance of fertility decisions in families at a tertiary centre. International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) Conference, Washington (Oct 2017
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M, Hand M, Allingham C, Gillam L, Orme L, Jayasuriya S, Zacharin M, Heloury Y, McCarthy M, Sullivan M, and Peate M on behalf of the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Decision support tools in paediatric and adolescent oncofertility for clinicians and parents. International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) Conference, Washington (Oct 2017)
- Peate M. Decision Aids in Fertility Preservation. Sydney Oncofertility Symposium, Sydney, Australia (31 Aug 2017). Invited Speaker (fully funded).
- Peate M, Jayasinghe Y, Allingham C, Hucker A, Kemertzis M, Meiser B, Friedlander M, Hickey M, on behalf of the aLLIAnCE and Australian Fertility Decision Aid Study Collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Supporting fertility decision-making: the role of decision aids in oncofertility. World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Berlin, Germany (14 Aug – 18 Aug). IPOS/ ESGO joint session Published: Psycho-Oncology (2017), 26(S3): 166 (ESGO-03). Invited presentation.
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M, Hand M, Allingham C, Gillam L, Orme L, Jayasuriya S, Zacharin M, Heloury Y, McCarthy M, Sullivan M, and Peate M on behalf of the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Decision support tools in paediatric and adolescent oncofertility for clinicians and parents. Australian Society of Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference (ASPOG), Brisbane, Australia (4 Aug 2017).
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M, Orme L, Zacharin M, Peate M, Ho C, Gook D, Stern K, Bourne H, Clarke G, Heloury Y, Sullivan M, Jayasuriya S, Clark H, Agresta F, Downie P, Super L and Gillam L for the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Establishing a paediatric and adolescent oncofertility program: uptake of procedures and acceptance of fertility decisions in families at a tertiary centre. Australian Society of Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference (ASPOG), Brisbane, Australia (4 Aug 2017). (New investigator prize)
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M, Orme L, Zacharin M, Peate M, Ho C, Gook D, Stern K, Bourne H, Clarke G, Heloury Y, Sullivan M, Jayasuriya S, Clark H, Agresta F, Downie P, Super L and Gillam L for the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Establishing a paediatric and adolescent oncofertility program: uptake of procedures and acceptance of fertility decisions in families at a tertiary centre. Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group (ANZCHOG) Conference, Adelaide (June 2017)
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M,Hand M, Allingham C, Gillam L, Orme L, Jayasuriya S, Zacharin M, Heloury Y, McCarthy M, Sullivan M, and Peate M on behalf of the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Decision support tools in paediatric and adolescent oncofertility for clinicians and parents. Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group (ANZCHOG) Conference, Adelaide (June 2017)
- Jayasinghe Y, Jayasuriya S, Kemertzis M, Gillam L, Li N, Super L, Zacharin M, Ho C, Peate M for The Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Decision regret in families being offered fertility preservation at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Victorian Integrated Cancer Services Conference, Melbourne, Australia (11 May - 12 May 2017)
- Jayasinghe Y, Kemertzis M, Hand M, Allingham C, Gillam L, Orme L, Jayasuriya S, Zacharin M, Heloury Y, McCarthy M, Sullivan M, Peate M on behalf of the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Decision support tools in paediatric and adolescent oncofertility for clinicians and parents. Victorian Integrated Cancer Services Conference, Melbourne, Australia (11 May - 12 May 2017)
- Jayasuriya S, Kemertzis M, Peate M, Gillam L, Li N, Allingham C, Hand M, Moore P, Khuong Quang DA, Super L, Zacharin M, Ho C, Downie P, Jayasinghe Y and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Decision Regret regarding Fertility Preservation in the paediatric and adolescent cancer population. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Week 2016, Melbourne VIC, Australia (21st November – 24th November 2016)
- (Invited speaker) Peate M on behalf of the aLLIAnCE Study, FoRECAsT study, and Australian Fertility Decision Aid study collaborative Groups, and the Fertility Preservation Taskforce. Having babies after cancer? Fertility preservation decision tools for cancer patients. The VCCC Survivorship Conference and The Victorian Psycho-Oncology Research Conference. 13th - 14th October 2016. Melbourne, Australia.
- (Invited speaker) Peate M. Regret, satisfaction and acceptance around fertility preservation decisions. FP Summit, 6th May 2016, Melbourne, Australia
The Evaluation of a Decision Aid for Women Considering Non-medical Egg Freezing
- Pritchard N, Kirkman M, Hammarberg K, McBain J, Agresta F, Bayly C, Hickey M, Peate M, Fisher J. Characteristics and circumstances of women in Australia who cryopreserved their oocytes for non-medical indications. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 2017; 35(2):108-118. doi: 10.1080/02646838.2016.1275533 [SNIP: 0.693; SJR: 0.378, ERA2010: C]
- Hammarberg K, Kirkman M, Pritchard N, Hickey M, Peate M, McBain J, Agresta F, Fisher J. Reproductive experiences of women who cryopreserved oocytes for non-medical reasons. Human Reproduction 2017; 32 (3): 575-581. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dew342 [SNIP:1.742, SJR:1.972, ERA2010: A]
- Hickey M, Peate M, Anderson. Letter: Should cryopreservation of oocytes be discussed with all women in their 30’s? New England Journal of Medicine 2016; 374:287-287. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1515128 [SNIP: 14.913, SJR: 12.155, ERA2010: A*]
- Sandhu S, Hucker A, Lew R, Hickey M, Agresta F, Fisher J, Ledger W, Hammarberg K, McBain J, Peate M. Facilitating Informed Decision Making by Women Considering Elective Egg Freezing. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Week, Parkville Australia (20-23 Nov 2017).
- Peate M, Hucker A, Ratnayake Gamage N, Braat S, McBain J, Fisher J, Agresta F, Hickey M, on behalf of the ‘Eggsurance?’ Study Collaborative Group. Assessing the unmet information needs of women considering egg freezing for non-medical (social) reasons. Australian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ASPOG) 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting. July 28-30 2016, Hobart, Australia.
- Kaganov H, Lew R, McBain J, Agresta F, Garrett C, Hickey M, Peate M. Elective oocyte cryopreservation: a model estimating oocyte yield per stimulated cycle. 23rd World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Infertility (COGI). March 21-23 2016, Melbourne, Australia
- Peate M, Hucker A, Gamage N, Hickey M on behalf of the aLLIAnCE, FoRECAsT, and Eggsurance Collaborative Groups. Empowering women to take charge of their fertility: the development and evaluation of decision support tools to increase the chances of future motherhood. Royal Women’s Hospital Research Day, November 2015, Melbourne.
- Pritchard N, Kirkman M, Hammarberg K, McBain J, Agresta F, Bayly C, Peate M, Hickey M, Fisher J. Why do women freeze their eggs for non-medical reasons? Australian Women’s Experiences. Fertility Society of Australia, Canberra, Australia (14-16 September 2015)